How many of us truly understand what it means to transform ourselves, to live a transformed life? A caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, and no one could mistake the butterfly for the caterpillar it once was as there has been a noticeable change in appearance – a transformation. If you never knew it was once a caterpillar, you would never guess, as the butterfly bears absolutely no resemblance to the caterpillar.
So why then when we want to change and need to undergo a total transformation, do we expect that we can stay the same and that no one will notice? The caterpillar is intentional in its transformation and embraces the various stages that result in a massive change, it is, after all, part of its life cycle. Like the caterpillar, our lives go through multiple cycles, yet we don’t contemplate or expect the seismic shift that needs to take place in our life for us to be able to say that we have been truly transformed.
Today is your day to change that.
Dare to be a butterfly. It’s okay to be different.

Here are five stages to transform you into the butterfly you want to be.
1. Be clear about where you want to be
Decide where and what you want to invest your energy in and ultimately your focus. Understand what it means to you and why. Your endpoint needs to be clear. Dare to dream in technicolour and write down every little detail.
2. Set clear goals
Once you are clear about what you want to do, where to you want to go and why it is crucial to set clear and tangible goals. Setting goals will give your life meaning and direction, which in turn increases your motivation and self- confidence. Learn how to set SMART goals and decide what your plan of action will be to fulfil your dreams.
3. Choose to take action
Be clear about what actions you need to take and what results you are expecting and by when. Understand what needs to happen for you to take action. Describe what will be different, and how will you know? If you are not getting closer to what you want, it makes no sense to continue doing the things you are doing.
4. Change your-self talk
We all have conversations that are going on in our minds, and sometimes they are so loud that we can’t think. Be aware of the words that you use to describe yourself or your situation. Are they words that will propel you forward, words that excite and motivate you? When was the last time you said something positive about yourself and your situation?
5. Be consistent
Focus on the things that will help you achieve your goals. Do something every day, no matter how small. Consistent actions will move you towards your goals. Remember, ordinary things done consistently can produce extraordinary results.
You Can Always Hire a Coach to Teach You HOW
Did you know that transformational coaching is not just for those who want to work on an existing problem? Most successful entrepreneurs and company directors have said that coaching was paramount to their success.
Jacynth has decades of experience and work ethic that has been described as honest, reliable and consistent. Jacynth will show you how to live your best life and acknowledge your brilliance.
Always remember ‘It’s okay to be different’.