
Jacynth Ivey Coaching

Acknowledge Your Brilliance

Take Decisive Action to unlock Your True Potential

“You can’t teach anybody anything, only make them realise the answers are already inside them.” – Galileo Galilei

With Jacynth’s coaching you will get clarity and conviction in what matters for you. You will get curious about the challenges you are facing and create new directions and beliefs in order to overcome these. We will work together and you will ultimately decide your own happiness


Glass Ceiling
  • If you are ready to look for the answers, you’re ready for an insight into how life works.
  • In spite of your success the fear of being different is preventing you from trying new things, meeting new people, missing potential opportunities.
  • A sudden or unexpected change in your life has left you feeling shaken, a little unsure and questioning the essence of who you are.
  • If you are sick and tired of the challenging thoughts and emotions that are taking up space, and you just want life to be easier.
  • You are not looking for someone to fix you or do the work for you.
  • You are ready to reignite your passion, fulfil your dreams and acknowledge your brilliance.

It’s okay to be different

Jacynth’s role is to help you to explore your thoughts and feelings, together we will find clarity and a way forward.

Her aim is to work with you to develop long-lasting, sustainable change. You will gain awareness of the impact of your unique perspective, and an understanding that It’s okay to be different.

Acknowledge your special gifts, the ones that you have to share with the world, and conquer fears so you can become the person you were meant to be.

Let’s work together

Jacynth Ivey Coaching

Coaching is one to one and highly personalised. During these sessions, together with Jacynth you will map out the best way to keep you moving towards your specific goals and put into place strategies to accomplish them. You will be given practical tools that will empower and energise you to think outside the box, explore innovative ways of creating your ideal life that will bring about your greater fulfilment and sustained success.

Some of the ways our clients have benefitted:

Help you be the best version of yourself and be the best version of you.

Improved sense of meaning and purpose.

Clearer life, professional and business goals, direction, and sense of achievement.

Increased self-confidence and enhanced self esteem.

Feeling fulfilled and content in all areas of your life.

Clarity of thought and improved well-being, shifting to an empowered perspective and mindset.

Nelson Mandela

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

“Life often presents compelling reasons to create a new chapter. Whether it’s a professional career move or a lifestyle change; a transition of your working hours, a major shift on the home front or a re-evaluation of finances – our lives need to be redesigned over and over again”

– Nelson Mandela

Have you determined what your next 24hrs will do in relation to you living out your life’s purpose?

Do one thing today that will move you closer to your dreams and purpose.

personalised coaching process

Through Jacynth’s personalised coaching process, she truly hears what is needed the coaching sessions are designed to work with you to discover the amazing, confident and successful you. Jacynth is a trusted partner who wants and expects the best from you and will challenge you to perform at your best
It’s all about helping you to Acknowledge your brilliance and take decisive action to unlock your true potential

Jacynth uses a holistic approach designed to tackle self-limiting thoughts and beliefs, help you gain knowledge of self and develop the ability to lead yourself with more compassion and self-acceptance. The focus is on working with you to gain clarity, direction and purpose as you design your vision of success.

Jacynth’s approach is based on the knowledge, distinctions and strategies that she has learned and personally developed over decades of working with leaders.

Jacynth Ivey Consulting

Are you ready to move to the next level?

Jacynth is the transformational coach you need on your side. You can trust Jacynth to guide you toward the future you deserve.



I wanted a coach who could understand the challenges a woman of colour would face in career progression in the NHS, who could help me to be proud of who I am, tone down the imposter syndrome and to break through those glass ceilings stepping into my power.

I have often heard people say “you need a coach who is walking beside you”, Jacynth is my coach walking my journey. She has given me the tools and skills to make myself heard and known. She has helped me to stay focused and grounded even when it feels like I am being tested.

If you are looking for a coach to help you be the best version of yourself and a truly authentic leader, then I highly recommend Jacynth.

Suminthra Naidu
Deputy Director of Nursing
Florence Nightingale Scholar

Even at the point of feeling most vulnerable, Jacynth was able to help me navigate my way back onto the straight and narrow, whilst giving me hope and believing in my capabilities. I’m thankful for her help and support, her experience and nudges in the right direction have given me confidence to pursue the next career move.

Deputy Director of Workforce Transformation
NHS England

I am immensely grateful for the coaching opportunity Jacynth provided. I sincerely appreciate her kind and unique approach which drew out my strengths and challenged my mindset. Jacynth helped me to re-discover myself and the importance of being true to my values. This has impacted my career trajectory and in fact my life’s journey. This is a wonderful gift I will cherish for life. Jacynth has been a great source of inspiration to me and I am very thankful for that coaching space!

Tinu Ashaye
Regional/Registered Manager
National Fostering Association, London & South East